
Running Postgres integration tests easily with TestContainers and ZIO Test

Integration/end-to-end testing is considered one of the best indicators that your code functions correctly, and everything is wired up as it should. Testcontainers is a wonderful library for creating and running embeddable Docker containers that can run alongside your tests, so you can have real implementations of your third-party dependencies, instead of relying on fragile mocks. Testcontainers is a mature Java library that comes out of the box with integrations for Postgres, Kafka, RabbitMQ, and many more, as well as support for many test runners and even ports to other languages.

In this short post, I’ll explain how to integrate Testcontainers (the Scala flavor) to play nicely with ZIO Test, showcasing some of the great composability features ZIO provides.

I will use a Postgres Testcontainer and Flyway to perform migrations, intializing the databse schemas.

Getting started

To play nicely with ZIO Test, we need to expose the Testcontainer as a ZLayer, so it can be added to ZIO’s Test Environment.

We’ll need to add the following dependencies to our build.sbt:

"org.flywaydb"   % "flyway-core"                      % flywayVersion,
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackVersion,
"com.dimafeng" %% "testcontainers-scala-postgresql" % testContainersVersion % Test

This adds Flyway to perform the actual migrations, Logback to print useful output messages from the container, and the Scala wrapper of the Postgres Test container. Replace the *Version values with the actual latest versions available for these dependencies.

Next, let’s add introduce Testcontainers to ZIO:

import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.PostgreSQLContainer
import zio.blocking.{effectBlocking, Blocking}
import zio._

object TestContainer {
type Postgres = Has[PostgreSQLContainer]

def postgres(imageName: Option[String] = Some("postgres")): ZLayer[Blocking, Nothing, Postgres] =
ZManaged.make {
effectBlocking {
val container = new PostgreSQLContainer(
dockerImageNameOverride = imageName,
}(container => effectBlocking(container.stop()).orDie).toLayer

By default, the Scala Postgres container wrapper will fetch version 9 of PostgreSQL, you can get a specific version by specifying the imageName parameter with a specific tag, e.g. postgres:12.3, or leaving postgres to fetch the latest.

We use ZIO’s ZManaged to wrap the creation and disposal of the container, wrapping the actual creation and shutdown in effectBlocking to signal to ZIO that this should be done on the blocking thread pool. This makes our ZLayer require the Blocking service. On shutdown, we stop the container. If creating or stopping fails for any reason, we’d like our test to terminate, which we do with .orDie, making any potential failures to be treated as defects, causing ZIO to shut down. Finally, we turn the ZManaged into a ZLayer by calling toLayer on it.

And that’s it! We now have a Postgres layer to plug into the ZIO tests.

Performing migrations

Once our container has started, we want to populate the database with our schema, before the tests are run. For this, ZIO Tests provides a mechanism called Test Aspects, which allows, among other things, to execute an action before executing the tests. We can create a Test Aspect that runs the migration:

import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.PostgreSQLContainer
import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway
import zio.ZIO
import zio.blocking.effectBlocking
import zio.test.TestAspect.before

object MigrationAspects {
def migrate(schema: String, paths: String*) = {
val migration = for {
pg <- ZIO.service[PostgreSQLContainer]
_ <- runMigration(pg.jdbcUrl, pg.username, pg.password, schema, paths: _*)
} yield ()


private def runMigration(
url: String,
username: String,
password: String,
schema: String,
locations: String*
) =
effectBlocking {
.dataSource(url, username, password)
.locations(locations: _*)

Here we define a function migrate that takes in the name of the schema for the migration, as well as the paths where the migration scripts are located. Because the container assigns a random port each time it starts, we fetch the container service and perform the migration using its parameters (such as the jdbcUrl). Again, because Flyway is a Java API, we wrap it with effectBlocking to ensure ZIO runs it on the blocking thread pool.

Putting it all together

Finally, we can put it all together into a test that looks like this:

object MyPostgresIntegrationSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
val postgresLayer = Blocking.live >>> TestContainer.postgres()
val testEnv = zio.test.environment.testEnvironment ++ postgresLayer

val spec = suite("Postgres integration") {
testM("Can create and fetch a customer") {
for {
userId <- CustomerService.create("testUser", "testPassword")
result <- CustomerService.find(userId)
} yield assert(result.id)(equalTo(userId)) &&
}.provideCustomLayer(testEnv) @@ migrate("customers", "filesystem:src/customers/resources/db/migration")

We create a test environment testEnv by combining the default ZIO Test environment layer with the Postgres layer, and passing it to the test suite using provideCustomLayer. In addition, we perform the migration at the start of each test by applying migrate using the @@ operator. Finally, depending on the organization of your modules, you can specify custom paths to your migration scripts, as well as the schema name.

And that’s it, we now have an integration test that starts Postgres, performs the migration, and runs your test. When it’s finished, ZIO gracefully shuts down the container!

Bonus: making it nicer

Here are a few tweaks you can do to the above setup:

Specifying a default schema

By default, the Postgres Testcontainer does not provide a way to specify a currentSchema parameter on the JDBC URL. We can fix this with some good, old-fashioned inheritance:

final class SchemaAwarePostgresContainer(
dockerImageNameOverride: Option[String] = None,
databaseName: Option[String] = None,
pgUsername: Option[String] = None,
pgPassword: Option[String] = None,
mountPostgresDataToTmpfs: Boolean = false,
currentSchema: Option[String] = None
) extends PostgreSQLContainer(
) {
override def jdbcUrl: String =
currentSchema.fold(super.jdbcUrl)(schema => s"${super.jdbcUrl}&currentSchema=$schema")

We’ll extend PostgreSQLContainer to allow specifying the currentSchema as a constructor argument (in addition to all the others), and will override jdbcUrl to append it to the URL (if was specified). Now, let’s replace our ZLayer creation function with the new class:

type Postgres = Has[SchemaAwarePostgresContainer]

def postgres(currentSchema: Option[String] = None): ZLayer[Blocking, Nothing, Postgres] =
ZManaged.make {
effectBlocking {
val container = new SchemaAwarePostgresContainer(
dockerImageNameOverride = Some("postgres"),
currentSchema = currentSchema
DockerLoggerFactory.getLogger(container.container.getDockerImageName).info(s"⚡ ${container.jdbcUrl}")
}(container => effectBlocking(container.stop()).orDie).toLayer

Note that the parameter to postgres() now accepts the schema name instead of the docker image name, the container will fetch the latest available PostgresSQL image. Tweak this according to your needs.

In addition, I’ve added an log output line using the Testcontainer’s Docker logger to print out the JDBC URL for easier debugging.

Creating an ITSpec for easier integration tests

Last thing we can do is to create a base class to hide all this work, allowing us to write integration tests without adding any of the boilerplate. This was adapted from an excellent library called tranzactio by Gaël Renoux, which helps Doobie (and Anorm) play nice with ZIO:

object ITSpec {
type ITEnv = TestEnvironment with Logging with Postgres

abstract class ITSpec(schema: Option[String] = None) extends RunnableSpec[ITEnv, Any] {
type ITSpec = ZSpec[ITEnv, Any]

override def aspects: List[TestAspect[Nothing, ITEnv, Nothing, Any]] =

override def runner: TestRunner[ITEnv, Any] =

val itLayer: ULayer[ITEnv] = {
val postgres = Blocking.live >>> TestContainer.postgres(schema)
val logging = Slf4jLogger.make(LogFmtRenderer())
... // other services you might want to create for testing
testEnvironment ++ logging ++ postgres

Which allows us to create Postgres-powered integration specs like this:

object MyITSpec extends ITSpec(Some("schemaName")) {
val spec: ITSpec = suite("Integration suite")(
testM("...") { }
) @@ migrate("schemaName", "filesystem:path/to/resources/for/migration")

And the ITSpec base suite will provide all the necessery environments for us! Note that val spec: ITSpec must have ITSpec type ascription, otherwise Scala will not be able to correctly infer all the requirements.

Happy testing!