Yesterday I attended the 2nd Software Craftsmanship meeting, led by Uri Lavi, held in the headquarters of PicScout.

The main agenda for the evening was Bad Code: identifying bad code, code smells, and using tools to identify bad code. Uri gave an in-depth presentation about most common code smells, such as huge nested switch/case statements, and explained how to refactor them into a working, beautiful code.
After the talk, the group had split into two: Java and .NET developers, and they were given a Dojo-style assignment: Create a class which displays a given integer as a Roman Numeral.
Dror Helper, together with Avi Pinto made the first pair in the Dojo, and began coding the challenge TDD-style: tests were written before the actual code. This quickly led to a heated discussion about TDD with the people in the group, many of whom had never even heard of TDD.
Overall, this was an enjoyable meeting. Uri presented his topics with passion, and promised that there were many more sessions to come!
The slides from the meeting are available here.