
Right fold superpowers!

It’s amazing how sometimes just having a different framing of the problem helps with developing a much deeper understanding of the problem. I was working through the exercises of the Data61 Functional Programming course, assisted by Brian McKenna’s video streams, and I came accross a definition of a right fold that can be thought of as “constructor replacement”:

The expression foldr f z list replaces in list:

  1. Every occurence of the cons constructor (:) with f
  2. Any occurrence of the nil constructor [] with z

Or, to put it in a tweet:

So let’s use this new intuition to solve some course exercises using right folds only!

Note: you should attempt solving them yourself first! Spoilers ahead!

Let’s start with List.hs:

We get a definition of a list as follows:

data List t = Nil | t :. List t

Like the builtin Haskell list type [], this custom List is comprised of nil and cons data constructors, Nil and :.. The List module also defines a foldRight function that operates on this List. We will use all this information to implement the functions for List using foldRight only.

Let’s start with a couple of easy ones: product and sum. Given the following list:

1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil

to get the product of all values, we replace:

  1. :. with (*)
  2. Nil with the neutral value 1.

Using foldRight, we can now implement the product function like so:

product :: List Int -> Int
product xs = foldRight (*) 1 xs

Thanks to Eta reduction, we can drop xs from both sides of the equals sign, leaving us with:

product :: List Int -> Int
product = foldRight (*) 1

The sum function is implemented similarly, replacing :. with (+) and Nil with 0:

sum :: List Int -> Int
sum = foldRight (+) 0

Let’s look at some more interesting functions in the List module.


The headOr function has the following signature:

-- | Returns the head of the list or the given default.
-- >>> headOr 3 (1 :. 2 :. Nil)
-- 1
-- >>> headOr 3 Nil
-- 3
headOr :: a -> List a -> a
headOr n list = foldRight _cons _nil list

The _cons and _nil arguments are placeholders, also called “typed holes”. This is a great Haskell feature, forcing the compiler to provide enough information about what types and values “fit” into those holes. We’ll use this information a bit later.

Let’s start from the end: the last argument to foldRight is our list. Since it appears on both sides of the equation, we can omit it, simplifying to:

headOr :: a -> List a -> a
headOr n = foldRight _cons _nil

Next is the replacements of the cons constructor :. and Nil. Let’s write down what we want our list to look like, using examples in the function signatures as guides. Here’s what our list looks after being “replaced” by foldRight:

1 `f` 2 `f` 3 `f` n

Where Nil was replaced by the value n. What should the function f be?

The foldRight function expects the f to be a function with two arguments. In our case, we want to take just the first argument, ignoring everything else.

If we write down our list in a prefix notation, it becomes a bit more apparent:

f 1 (f 2 (f 3 n))
^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| +---- second argument
+------ first argument

To satisfy the requirement of a binary function that ignores its second argument, we can write a lambda function \a _ -> a, which takes two arguments and returns the first one:

headOr :: a -> List a -> a
headOr n = foldRight (\a _ -> a) n

To go one step further, there exists a function called const, which ignores its second argument, returning the first. This allows us to replace the lambda with const and simplify the call even further, dropping the n thanks to Eta reduction:

headOr :: a -> List a -> a
headOr = foldRight const


Following the steps above, the length function:

-- | Return the length of the list.
-- >>> length (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- 3
length :: List a -> Int

Similarly to headOr, we want replace the :. constructor with a function. Looking again at our list in its prefix form:

f 1 (f 2 (f 3 n))

In this case, we want to add +1 for every f that we encounter, completely igoring the first argument. We can do this with a lambda that looks like this: \_ b -> 1 + b, which we can further simplify to \_ -> (1 +), dropping the b on both sides. Finally, we replace Nil with 0, and our result is:

length :: List a -> Int
length = foldRight (\_ -> (1 +)) 0


-- | Map the given function on each element of the list.
-- >>> map (+10) (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil)
-- [11,12,13]
map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map f = foldRight _cons _nil

With map we want to preserve the data constructors, applying the mapping function f to every element of the list. The typed hole suggests our first argument to foldRight needs to have the type a -> List b -> List b. We can satisfy it with the function \a bs -> f a :. bs. The Nil remains unchanged, and our final result is:

map :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map f = foldRight (\a bs -> f a :. bs) Nil


-- | Return elements satisfying the given predicate.
-- >>> filter even (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. 4 :. 5 :. Nil)
-- [2,4]
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter p = foldRight _cons _nil

Very similar to map, except we use the predicate p to decide whether to take the element or drop it from our resulting list. The typed hole for _cons is a -> List a -> List a, satisfied with:

\x xs -> if p x then x :. xs else xs

(I’m not using the names a and as because it screws up the syntax highlighter)

If the element x matches the predicate p, cons it to our result, otherwise just return the result. Final version:

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter f = foldRight (\x xs -> if f x then x :. xs else xs) Nil

(++) aka append

-- | Append two lists to a new list.
-- >>> (1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) ++ (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil)
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
(++) :: List a -> List a -> List a

Here is where it gets mindblowing. The (++) function takes two lists and appends them. Let’s visualize the two lists like this:

1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil
4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil

This makes it very easy to see how we can use “constructor replacement” to append two lists: the :. remains unchanged, and we replace Nil with the second list! The result is:

(++) :: List a -> List a -> List a
(++) list1 list2 = foldRight (:.) list2 list1


-- | Flatten a list of lists to a list.
-- >>> flatten ((1 :. 2 :. 3 :. Nil) :. (4 :. 5 :. 6 :. Nil) :. (7 :. 8 :. 9 :. Nil) :. Nil)
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
flatten :: List (List a) -> List a

Here is again the intuition for constructor replacement helps us find the answer - the flatten functions takes a list of lists and appends them together into a single list! This should sound very familiar, as we just implemented a function that does that! We can use the (++) function to append two lists together, so all we need to do is replace the :. between the lists with (++)! The result is:

flatten :: List (List a) -> List a 
flatten = foldRight (++) Nil

Hopefully, by now, it became clear how thinking of the right fold as “constructor replacement” can help visualize and guide towards the correct implementation. I recommend finishing the rest of the List module, then implement the Optional module using only foldRight.

I will continue the Data61 FP course, and will share more gems as I learn them! Stay tuned!